Thursday 7 March 2013


 Below is my first digi pak which we decided not to use as we didn't feel that it portrayed the artist in the way which we wanted.
What do I like about the digipak?
I like the strong use of red in this digipak as it relates to lust and anger which are two themes in my music video. On the cover of the digipak as well as the CD and title page I used black leaves which are a micro element as they are used in a scene in my music video. The use of the black in the digipak connotes the artists sadness which relates to the music video and makes the red colour more powerful as it stands out.
Does it relate to the genre characteristics
Yes, I chose the images carefully in order to relate them to the genre of my music video. The feminine poses of the artist portray her in a positive way to the target audience and follow the conventions of the pop genre. The swirly style of the font relates to the stereotypes of femininity which again relates to the genre.

How would I improve it
To improve this digipak I wouldn't use so much red as it can look overpowering and almost too child like. The way which the digipak is presented will effect which audience we attract and it is therefore important to portray the artist in a way which the target audience would expect. I would also improve my photoshop skills by blurring the images around the edges in order to make them look more natural.


The next digipak below is Olivia's. We chose not to use this one as it wasn't finished and we felt it didn't relate to the conventions of our genre.
What do I like about the digipak?
I like the use of the hearts as it relates to the pop conventions and adds femininity and happiness to the digipak. I also like the vertical direction of the CD title on the cover and it relates to the title by portraying different dimensions.
Does it relate to the genre characteristics
In some ways this digipak does relate to the genre as it contains a feminine font and shapes. However there are no bright colours and this makes the genre look as though it could be darker which gives the audience the wrong impression.
How would I improve it
If I was Olivia I would use a different image on the cover as I don't think it makes the artist look very happy and I would also try to improve my use of the lasso tool in photoshop as the second image below looks very rigid around the hair.


Below is my second digipak which we decided to use as our final group digipak.

What do I like about the digipak?
I like the use of the colours as I decided on a theme which was to use only grey and red. I feel this works well as the red connotes lust  and love and the darker colours connote sadness, which are the two main themes in my music video. I also like the images which I chose as I think that they portray different sides of the artist which relates to the title "Dimensions".

Does it relate to the genre characteristics
Yes, this digipak does relate. It contains bright colours and a feminine font. As well as this the images of the artist show her in different poses which gives the audience the idea that she cares about her image as she is seen holding her hair.
How would I improve it
To improve this digipak I would maybe use a more feminine colour such as pink which would better relate to the pop genre. I would also add a touch more colour as the digipak can be seen as dark and a bit depressing which isn't the way in which I want to potray the artist.



1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of how you changed your ideas and designs and this is because you considered some of your strengths too.

    This post also demonstrates some understanding of why you analysed Olivia's designs but further detail is needed on why you decided on choosing your second design.
