Tuesday 30 April 2013


Storyboards are important within planning as they help the production and construction of the final product. We had a variety of different ideas for the narrative and this is our final storyboard. Our original plan was a lot darker and more concept based however we felt that a performance and narrative based video would build a relationship with they audience as they can relate to it. 

We made some changes to this storyboard as we came up with new locations which we could film in and we kept going back to previous locations when we finally edited our footage. We felt that using the same locations at various times in the video built the narrative as we used the artists home, which portrays the idea that the song is about a relationship. For example when we used the bedroom it showed the loving nature of the relationship which the artist had with the man in the flashbacks.

1 comment:

  1. The storyboards that you have included shows some evidence of planning that was carried out for your production.

    You have also made a start in describing why storyboards are important and how you followed them. But further analysis is needed on the points that you changed and why?
