Tuesday 13 November 2012

Questionnaires, Pie charts & Evaluation

Questionnaires are an extremely important part of research when making a music video. The questions which are included in a questionnaire help a director shape a music video and apply the information which was collected in order to target their audience.

In order for music videos to be successful they must include content which will interest the target audience and be memorable. We sent out 40 questionnaires, 20 each, and distributed them to a mixture or males, females and a variety of ages in order to get the best result. 
We created pie charts which made it easier to evaluate the results from the questionnaires. By converting the results into pie charts we could easily read them and decide on specific ideas for our own music video. Pie charts show results clearly by splitting the results into sections of the circle and this is how we decided on how to attract our target audience.

We decided as a group that pie charts were the most suitable way of presenting our results in order to review them. By reviewing the results in the pie charts we were able to make decisions on how to reach our target audience.

After interviewing people and collecting our results we found a mixture of opinions. The pie charts helped us massively as we could easily see the most popular answer and this helped us make key decisions. 

One of the questions in our questionnaire which we noticed gave a mixture of answers was "Do you think that Christina Aguilera is a good role model to teenagers?" A lot of people felt that she was a good role model as she has a strong voice and she works hard as well as the fact that she never has negative stories written about her in the media. Aguilera lives a relatively normal life with her young son and has never publicly been known to have been involved in the use of drugs or illegal substances and she is not a heavy drinker or a party girl. In her videos Aguilera doesn't promote drinking or the party lifestyle in any way, however she does dress provocatively in many of her videos which can present her in a negative light. These opinions helped us make decisions about the costumes which we will use for our own video and the scenes and locations which we include. 

The target audience is extremely important in order for us to decide on key factors about our music video. Artists depend on attracting their target audience in order to build a fan base and secure a place in the charts. Every decision which an artist makes must relate to their target audience and attract them. The target audience is a key factor in the research as they are the main source of revenue for an artist and a record label. 

As a group we carried out our primary research in school in the form of a questionnaire. We included everything which we knew would effect our decisions when filming and editing. As well as interviewing student we interviewed a variety of staff and teachers too in order to get a broader opinion. The vox pops were very successful as I asked the questions and Olivia recorded them. We found that everyone thought Christina Aguilera was a good role model as she had a strong voice and personality and concentrated on what matters most, being her music. Although Aguilera is very feminine in the way she dresses people didn't actually think that she was too provocative and they thought that she was rather tame compared to other recent artists.

1 comment:

  1. Your evaluation demonstrates some understanding of the primary research that you carried out. To show further understanding you need to include data that you receieved to support the points that you are making.

    You also need to start considering your music video and how your research will assist you with planning
