Wednesday 5 December 2012

Risk assessment and Film schedule

It is important to consider any possible risks before filming every scene so that everyone is aware of hazards and how they can be prevented. Throughout filming our risk assessment will be a crucial piece of information as it will make the filming process safer and reduce the possibility of any risks or harm to anyone. Some risks are impossible to eliminate, therefore it is vital that everyone is informed of anything that may happen and how to deal with any given situation safely.

A filming schedule is important as it means that everyone involved in the filming process knows where they have to be and what they are supposed to be doing. Whilst filming we didn't follow the schedule precisely because at times the locations which we wanted to use weren't available. As well as this we decided that it would be easier to finish all the shots in one costume before changing to the next. This saved a lot of time during the filming process and made it a lot easier for everyone involved. This shot list has changed from our story board as we felt certain shots and scenes weren't relevant to the story line.

1 comment:

  1. The post above shows a good understanding of what a risk assesmment and a filming schedule is.

    Did you follow your schedule, or did you make any chnanges to your plan and why?
