Thursday 6 December 2012

Analysis of magazine adverts

Magazine adverts are essential to promote an artist and their material. Every album which an artist releases will show some change either in the way the artist looks or the way in which they present the album itself. This shows the progression throughout their career as well as the need for change in order to keep the attention of the target audience. This advert was in magazines in 2006 to promote Christina Aguilera's "Back To Basics" tour. 

Representation of the artist - 

The advert demonstrates a positive representation of the artist as she can be seen as a role model to younger girls, however she can be seen as slightly provocative. She is shown to be a feminine and sexy young woman and the image is simplistic. Aguilera isn't shown to be doing anything negative or influential such as drinking, smoking or promoting a party lifestyle. Aguilera knows her target audience and she also knows her fans and how she wants to be portrayed to them and the media. The low key lighting adds to the sexual nature of the advert and makes the image of the artist appear more provocative. There is a sense of mystery in the image of Aguilera as she isn't giving too much away to the audience in her facial expressions. She is simply looking down at the camera and standing against a wall. This could be appealing to the target audience as they would want to know what the advert was about and what Aguilera is promoting. Overall the advert represents Aguilera in a mostly positive light, other than the way she is dressed. 

Connotations of the advert/Colours and connotations - 

The colours in this advert attract the audience immediately as they are simplistic and show a change in Aguilera as an artist. The pink colour of her shirt represents femininity and shows a change from Aguilera's previous videos and style which was a lot darker in videos such as "Fighter" and "Beautiful". The pink along with Aguilera's pose shows the change she is making as an artist and connotes the genre of her music and style of her tour. The connotations of the black show perhaps a dark side to her new music. The songs on this tour were mainly about love which links in again to the pink colour and the black could represent the sadness in those love songs. Aguilera is alone in the image which could connote the power in her character and how she is unique. Most of the songs in this tour are about Aguilera being her own person and fighting for what she believes in which relates to the image of her standing on her own and her strong stance. The simplistic background and theme of the advert also relates to the title of the tour "Back to Basics". Aguilera is going back to her routes and concentrating on the music rather than the glitz and glamour which comes with it. 

Design/Layout - 
The long shot of Aguilera establishes to the consumer that she is the artist and the advert is entirely about her. Along with this her pose is welcoming and strong. The simplistic design of the advert tells the audience a lot about what is being promoted and what they are buying into. The design of the advert is easy for the target audience to relate to as it isn't anything especially glamorous or celebrity driven. Aguilera is simply standing there and there is a plain background, which people can relate to. The average target audience wouldn't be able to relate to a picture of Aguilera on stage or sitting in an expensive convertible. The image of Aguilera isn't central which makes it different to other adverts where the artist is the focal point. This portrays the idea to the consumer that the tour is more about the music than just Aguilera herself.  

Choice of images - 
There is only one image in this advert and it is of the artist. The image is a long shot which presents Aguilera in full to the audience which connotes that she isn't holding anything back or hiding anything. The name of the tour "Back to Basics" relates to this image as Aguilera is going back to her routes before all the fame and fortune and before factors such as her image became more important than the music itself. The image shows Aguilera's confidence in herself as an artist and her new image. Her outfit and her hair style show diversity to other artists as most artist wear tighter and skimpier outfits. Aguilera's signature look is the 1950's hair styles which makes her recognisable and unique from other artists.

Typography - 
The typography used in this advert is clear and precise. The font is large yet feminine in order to keep to the genre of the tour. Aguilera's name is central and bold in order to catch people's attention. It is written in white which contrasts against the black background in order to stand out and be easily read. White is also the colour which represents purity, heaves and perfection and this relates to how Aguilera is being portrayed. Her name is also in capital letters which makes it clearer and this ensures that it will be the first thing that the consumers reads. The title of the tour is written in a feminine swirly font which relates to the artists image. It isn't extremely large in size as the artists name is the focal point along with her image. It is written in red which connotes love and the sexual nature of Aguilera's personality. 

Style of language - 
The purpose of this advert is to inform the consumer about the tour and promote it. Although there is not a lot of language included, the language chosen works effectively in order to catch the audiences attention. It says exactly what the audience need to know without too much added language. This catches the consumers attention as it is easy and quick to read. 

The above image shows the artists name which is central in the advert and eye catching. The artist isn't introduced on the advert and nothing is said about her other than her name which attracts the audience as it is quick to see.

Again in the name of the tour there is no conversational language used to introduce it or describe it. Only the name of the tour is shown which simplifies it and makes it clear to the audience what is being promoted. Usually people prefer not to read long sentences and paragraphs on an advert and the shorter and more precise the language is the more effective it is.

The use of simplistic language in "Sony Ericsson and Orange present" informs the audience who is sponsering the event. This is shown on the advert for legal reasons and if therfore not considered vital information for the consumer. The formal tone of the language tells the consumer that it is not information about the tour itself.

How does the advert promote the artist -
This advert portrays Aguilera in a different way to her previous image in the media. At this point in her career Aguilera had changed her style in music as well as her own style in how she looked. She looks feminine and innocent as well as showing her more sexual nature by her pose and outfit.

How does the advert promote the music genre -
This tour contains all the music from Aguilera's recent album "Back to Basics". The genres on the album include pop, RnB, jazz and blues. The colours of Aguilera's clothes represent the pop genre as they a feminine and bright. Her hair and make up portray the jazz and blues style of her music with her 1950's style. There is a combination of different genres in this advert and they are represented by the use of colour, costume and lighting.

How does the advert attract the target audience -
This advert attracts the audience through its simplistic nature and laid back feel. This appeals to the audience as there isn't too much to look at or read and it portrays the idea that the tour is all about the artist which would appeal to the target audience. The image of Aguilera is a long shot which shows the audience that she isn't hiding anything and her feminine style is iconic to the consumer and young girls.

I have chosen to analyse Britney Spears' advert for her tour in order to compare it with Christina Aguilera's and look at the different ways in which they promote themselves. Both of these artists are the same age and their music is the same genre. I chose to analyse similar aritsts as it shows different ways of promoting similar genres.

Representation of music artist -
This advert demonstrates a positive representation of Spears. Like Aguilera she is shown as a feminine young woman who also has a more provocative side to her. Also like Aguilera, Spears isn't shown drinking, smoking, taking drugs or promoting a party lifetsyle which makes her a good role model to younger girls. Her outfit ties in with the theme of the circus for the tour and shows her more sexual nature as it is tight fitted and short. Spears looks really happy in this advert as she is smiling and her open arms make the tour seem fun and welcoming. The low key lighting again like Aguilera's adds tot he sexual nature of the advert.

Connotations of the advert/Colours and connotations -
The colours used in this advert attract the audience as they contrast eachother which makes them stand out and look sharper. The white colour of Spears' dress connotes possitivity and perfection. At this point in Spears' personal life she was recieving a lot of negativity from the media and these colours represent her happiness and ambition to be positive no matter what. The darker background adds mystery to the advert, just like in Aguilera's, which also relates to the theme of the circus. Also like Aguilera, Spears appears alone in this advert and holds a very confident pose, which connotes her power and the strong stage presence which she possesses. The circus tent in the background clearly relates to the title of the tour, however it connotes the saying "Life is a circus" and this portrays how Spears felt at that point in her life. It shows how all the media and show business feels like the same crazy atmosphere of a circus. As well as this it also shows how Spears at times puts on a show, like a circus, even though she may not be feeling completely confident and positive in her personal life. The bubbly side to Spears' personality is shown in the image of her as well as the background which relates to the pop genre of her music.

Design/Layout -
Like Aguilera's advert the long shot of Spears shows the audience who the advert is about and establishes her as the artist. Although this advert is simple it is not as simple as Aguilera's. The circus tent in the background ties in with the theme of the tour. However like Aguilera's advert, this one doesn't contain anything which the audience can't relate to. In fact the whole idea of the circus would excite the target audience who are mainly young girls as they can relate to the love of dressing up in costumes and putting on a show. The image of Spears is central which portrays the idea that the advert is entirely about her and her tour.

Choice of images - 
There is again only one image in this advert and it is a long shot of Spears. The long shot not only shows her costume which fits into the theme but it also portrays the idea to the consumer that Spears is the focal point in the advert and the tour. The name of the tour relates to the image of Spears as her arms are open wide and she is portraying the character of a ringleader in a circus. Her arms being opened wide is welcoming to the audience and they move the audiences attention to the writing "The CIRCUS Starring Britney Spears." The image shows Spears' confidence whilst portraying this character and her facial expressions show her happiness. The choice of images show a sneak peek of what the consumer can expect to see in the tour.

Typography - 
The typography in this advert is bold and eye catching. The font is feminine to relate to the artist, however the colour attracts both men and women and it also connotes strength and power. These are the two traits in her personality which Spears is trying to show the audience and the media after the negativity which she always receives. The artists name is central and the biggest font on the advert which is effective as it is one of the most visible things along with the artists image. The title of the tour is in capital letters whilst the rest of the sentence isn't which also makes it stand out more. "The CIRCUS Presents...", this makes the name of the tour more memorable. 

Style of language - 
The limited use of language portrays the importance of the images and this makes the advert more effective as they words used are more memorable. 

The first sentence "The CIRCUS Presents" is quite formal as Spears is being portrayed as the ringleader of a show and it looks professional. 

The artists name is written simply which is memorable and recognisable to the target audience.

The support act are introduced as "Special guests" which makes them seem really important and describes them as a really enjoyable and talented act to see. 

How does the advert promote the artist - 
This advert portrays Spears differently to what her target audience and fans are used to. With every album and tour that Spears has she has a new style and the circus style is clearly shown in this advert. Spears looks feminine as well as provocative through her choice of outfit in this advert. Her facial expression is happy and welcoming which portrays her positively to the audience.

How does the advert promote the music genre - 
This tour contains all the music from Spears' recent album "Circus". The genres on this album include pop and dance pop. Spears' facial expressions and feminine outfit in this advert promote the pop genre and the glitzy lights in the background relate to the dance pop. The femininity in this advert strongly portray the pop genre of the tour.

How does the advert attract the target audience - 
The advert attracts the audience through it's use of appealing to the audiences interests. Spears' knows her target audience are mostly young girls who all love the glamorous lifestyle of being a pop star and dressing up. This advert portrays the idea to young girls that being a singer is fun and you get to dress up and look pretty which appeals to them. 

This research will help me when creating my own advert as they show how to relate to the genre and portray themes and ideas to the audience. I have learnt that a simplistic advert is extremely effective in order to attract the audience and it can still convey the codes and conventions of the genre.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a very good understanding of what magazine adverts are and how they appeal to an audience. You have analysed the adverts well and you have referenced them well too.
