Saturday 8 December 2012

Planning Location

The locations which we have chosen to use are :
 - Field
 - Bath
 - Bedroom

These locations create the narrative for our video and link the visuals to the lyrics. 

Field - 
The field represents isolation which is how the artist feels in this song and it links to the lyrics. The isolation shows how she feels without her partner and the sadness she feels inside. A lot of our target audience will be able to relate to the feeling of being lonely and feeling like you're the only person in the world. The empty field will portray the emptiness and the familiar location is high in verisimilitude.

Bedroom - 
In this short scene I will collect a number of old photographs of the couple and tear them up. This will signify the end of the relationship and show me walking away from it. This location was chosen as it connotes closeness and intimacy so it portrays the idea to the audience that they are a couple. This is again a location which the audience can relate to as it is a common environment unlike a stage at a concert.

Bath - 
The use of the bath in our video is as much a concept as it is part of the narrative. In this scene I will be sitting in the bath crying with mascara running down my face and black rose petals surrounding me. The rose petals connote love and a relationship and the black colour of them connotes the end of the relationship. The narrative is the fact that she is crying and portrays the sadness which she feels and the concept is the abstract feel to the scene. It isn't common for someone to sit in a bath surrounded by black rose petals when they break up with someone, however as a concept it is effective. 

We don't actually have many limitations when filming as we have chosen relatively simple locations. The only restrictions we will have is the length of time which we can use the drama studio for at school as there are obviously lessons going on throughout the day. However this is easily solved by filming these scenes after school hours. Apart from this we may struggle to find a field where people aren't around as we need it to be completely empty for it to be effective and we have no right to ask people to leave or move.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in considering the different locations that you wish to include within your music video.

    Consider the limitations in more detail and include images from your music video to support the points that you are making
